
2011 Photo Project

Last year I stole an idea from the fabulous Tara Whitney. She had posted about taking a family picture every month for the entire year in 2010.  I was completely inspired.  So my resolution for 2011 was to follow in her footsteps and take a family picture of the 4 of us every single month for an entire year.  I'm excited to share that I did accomplish my goal and I loved the pictures so much that I used them as our Christmas card for 2011.

I also created a photobook in Shutterfly.  I'll be sharing that project tomorrow.  For 2012 I have a new photo documentary project that I'm also going to be sharing in the next few days.


  1. I absolutely love this but I think my family would hate me for it. They already call me the photo nazi. Yours turned out beautiful!

  2. What a great idea! It's so hard to get family photos of the four of us together, so I will have to try harder this year! Thanks for the inspiration! :)
