
12x12x12 - January

I wanted to share a little project that I've started for 2012.  I'm hoping some of you will join me on this photo documentary project.  Last year I resolved to take 1 family picture of all 4 of us each month.  This year I'm doing something a little different.  For 2012 I'm going to be taking 12 pictures on the 12th of each month for 12 months.  Get it - 12x12x12!  I realize that the 12th of the month has already passed and that January is almost over and that if I were a better and more prepared blogger I would have put this up earlier.  But let's not dwell on my mistakes.  Let's focus on documenting the everyday loveliness of your family.

So here's what I propose.  Go and run and get your camera and take at least 12 pictures of your family, your life right now.  We'll count this as January and going forward I promise to post a reminder ON the 12th of the month instead of 2 weeks later.

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