
Cardboard Tube Elmo

My daughter loves this particular Elmo video (see below) so we decided to make a toilet paper roll Elmo.  I let her paint & color his body parts, while big brother painted the tp roll for us.  While doing this activity I realized this is the first time she's really painted with us.  Not because I'm opposed to it, but because we are in a temporary apartment while our house is being built and we have no backyard and carpet in the dining room (yuck).  She loved it and after he was all dry and assembled she ran around the house yelling "I made it, I made it.  Look Coley, I made Elmo".  Too cute.

Elmo Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, red paint, glue, scissors, Elmo body part printout 

 Print your Elmo parts and paint or color them in.

 Paint your toilet paper roll and allow to dry.

 Cut out your arms, legs and head and glue them on your toilet paper roll.

Run around the house hugging your Elmo.  Push him in your play stroller and then drop items through the toilet paper roll and yell "Look mom, Elmo pooped".

Video Suggestion: I don't normally recommend videos, but this one is awesome and both my kids have loved it.  Elmocize isn't just your normal Sesame Street video.  There is singing and dancing and exercising and all sorts of excitingly active shenanigans.  If you have a little Elmo lover in your house and you haven't seen this, check it out asap.

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