
Cardboard Tube Didgeridoo

This summer we attended a program put on by Didg Revolution at our local library.  It was great and both kids absolutely loved it.  When we got home later Cole & I decided to try to make our own Didgeridoo.

 Didgeridoo Supply List: 1 wrapping paper tube, stickers & markers, packing tape

Use the stickers and markers to decorate your Didgeridoo.  I tried to encourage him to use the dot stickers to make it look like aboriginal art like they showed us at the program.  Wrap packing tape around the outside end of whichever side will be blown into.  I did this just to prevent it from getting too wet with kid spit.  Below is some video of Cole playing his Didgeridoo.  He was so very proud to show Dad when he got home that evening.

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