
Toilet Paper Roll Unicorn

Ok, let me start by saying that I consider this to be a total cheat craft.  I mean, we really made it, but I used a printout for the body parts that go with the unicorn.  This is not something that I usually do but in the last month we've moved, had end of the school year shenanigans and taken a week long family vacation.  Needless to say it's been crazy busy around here.  Shortly after the move Cole was begging to do a craft and this was a quick and easy answer.
Unicorn Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, paint, glue, scissors, glitter, unicorn template found here

Start by painting your toilet paper roll.  Cole chose to mix some purple with white and some glitter glue.

While you're waiting for your paint to dry cut out your unicorn pieces.

Paint your unicorn pieces with some glitter glue to make it extra sparkly.

Glue on your legs, head and necklace.  Not the cutest craft we've ever done, but it was still fun.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! This is awesome and perfect for the kids! I really loved the materials you put to complete features of the unicorn. We did a toilet paper roll snake project out of the same materials you used. You should check it out! :)
    EarlyLearning.Momtusted.com: Toilet Paper Roll Snake Project
