
Toilet Paper Roll Elmer the Elephant

If you've been following our site, you'll remember that last month we created an elephant made out of a cardboard tube.  I also mentioned how Cole is obsessed with elephants and LOVES all the Elmer books.  Well... we were at the grocery store shortly after that and found tissue boxes that has a patchwork print.  Cole spotted them first and even said "hey look mom, they have Elmer tissues".  So I bought them, and we used them, and then we made ourselves and Elmer the Elephant out of the box.
Elmer Supply List: 1 toilet paper roll, patchwork tissue box, glue, google eyes
Cut out a piece of the box that is the same length as your toilet paper roll.
Cut out ears, a trunk and a tail from the patchwork tissue box.
Glue your piece of tissue box around the toilet paper roll and allow to dry.  I use ponytail holders wrapped around the tube to keep everything in place while the glue dries.
Add your ears, trunk, eyes and tail and cut some feet out of the bottom.  Here is our toilet paper roll Elmer sitting next to Cole's stuffed Elmer.  I think he looks pretty good.

Book Suggestion: Since I already shared a link to the Elmer book, I'll share my favorite Elmer.  Elmer's Special Day is the day when all the elephants paint themselves multi-colored and Elmer paints himself regular gray elephant color.  It's a bunch of elephant shenanigans all around!


  1. Adorable! Good spotting the box Cole!

  2. Love Elmer! Love your TP Elmer too! Question:
    Do you have others save rolls for you or do mostly use your own? You must me constantly looking at Tp rolls and wondering what you could make!!!

  3. P.S. I love how you used the tissue box! I was just experimenting today with making something out of a tissue box and thinking I wish I would have been saving all cool tissue boxes for a art project! You could make a really cool collage if you had a variety to choose from!

  4. Ooooh! This craft is RIGHT up my street! I love it when you "see an every day household item" and see "something else in it"... that Kleenex box was a perfect Elmer spot - clever you!! And LOVE LOVE LOVE!

    Thank you for linking to Kids Get Crafty!

    PS and I LOVE all things made out of loo rolls!

  5. adorable! great to "meet" you and hope you'll be back again soon to share your recycled crafts on Craft schooling Sunday!

  6. Shannon,
    This is so clever! I saw the kleenex box at the supermarket last week and like your son recognized the pattern from the book but I could never have taken it the next step like you did and use it in an art project. Great job! You continue to amaze me with your creative ideas.
    Best regards,

  7. wow, that really makes me want to read the Elmer books. Super cute! come see us at bookwormfun.blogspot.com

  8. I love this project and the book connection!! I'll be featuring it tomorrow -- please stop by and grab a featured button! ;)

  9. A whole blog dedicated to the art of TP crafting???


    Following you now.

    I'd be thrilled if you could share this Elmer craft with my readers tonight @Creative Juice Thursday. Party starts @ 7pm CST. Get your crafting shoes on. Hope to see you there...

  10. love it, how cute are those elephants, crazy how the box is perfect. thanks for sharing this at my party1

  11. stopping by from Trendy Treehouse!
    what a cute blog you have:)


    Please stop by and say hi.

  12. Too cute! This would be a great pre-school craft. :)

  13. Fantastic! Found you through Creative Juice!

    Now I have lots of ideas for all the tp rolls stored away!


  14. How fun!! What a great idea. :)

    Thanks for sharing this post at For the Kids Friday at Sun Scholars. This week's party is now posted. I'd love to have you share with us again this week!


  15. Your entire blog, not just this post, will be featured at Creative Juice Thursday this week.

    You. Are. Clever.

    Thanks for linking up!

  16. What perfect timing you have! My kindergartner came home today with a flier asking us to make an unlikely pet out of household items...when i asked her what she wanted to make, she said 'an elephant'...thank you SO much for sharing this.

  17. This is so adorable! We're actually never read any Elmer books, but I am hoping to soon.

