
Spring Cleaning {with a little help from thredUP}

Ahhhhh spring, my favorite time of year.  Not only does it mean beautiful weather and playing outside, but it’s also the time of year I go through and gut my children’s closets.  Since here in Florida our temps can go from cool to down right hot in the matter of a week it seems like by mid March I’m ready to pack away the winter clothes and bring out the bathing suits and shorts for the season.  But once the closets have been cleaned out, what do you do with all the extra clothes?  Since I have a boy and a girl (and no plans of adding any additional kids to the family) I rarely save items to be passed down.  So what do you do with all your outgrown clothes?  That's where thredUP comes in and saves the day!

When you go to thredUP.com and create an account you can request one of their adorable polka dot clean out bags FOR FREE.  I actually keep one in the bottom of my daughter's closet at all times.  Fill it up with all the clothes your kids have outgrown and then drop it off at the post office.  Postage back to the thredUP warehouse is free.  Once thredUP receives and processes your bag (and know that this can take several weeks) they'll offer you a payout which you can use in their online store or you can opt to cash out to paypal.  There you have it… spring cleaning made easy with thredUP.

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