
Summer Bingo

I just looked at the calendar and realized that Cole has exactly 8 days of school left.  Oy.  I'm almost ready for our summer of fun and I'll share some new stuff we're going to be doing soon.  In the mean time I thought I'd revisit an old favorite.  We've played Summer Bingo for the last 2 summers and it has been a total hit.  If you're interested in your own Summer Bingo program for your kids here are some links for you to check out.  (Note: many of these links are to my old blog so I'm bringing them over here for my TPcraft peeps.)

* Summer Bingo Cards from 2011 with rules & links to downloadable cards

* Summer Bingo Cards from 2010

* Summer Bingo Cards from 2010 that my friend Kristi made

* Summer Bingo Set Up

* Summer Bingo Treasure Chest

* Summer Bingo Cards turned into a Summer Album

I'll be back soon to share some new things I have planned for this summer.

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