
Waiting For Paint To Dry

The other day someone emailed me and asked me what we do while I'm waiting for the paint on my tp rolls to dry.  It kind of made me laugh because it seems like we do spend a lot of time waiting for the first part of our project to dry so we can move on.  A few months ago I found this great set of printables over on The Moffatt Girls Blog.  I'm usually not a fan of worksheets, but these are short and fun and involve reading, writing, cutting and gluing.  Typically while we're waiting for our paint to dry we'll do a worksheet, bake some cookies or muffins, run through some flash cards or just create something with our leftover supplies.  What do YOU do while you're waiting for paint to dry?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I love your tp crafts:) Thanks for sharing!!
