
Summer Bingo

I'm going to let you know that this has nothing to do toilet paper rolls but since summer is here I want to share some of our summer plans with all my lovely readers.  This is the second summer that I am playing Summer Bingo with Cole.  If you're interested in learning more I've posted details about it over on the From the Fence Post blog.
Update: If you are interested in downloading the rules and a few card templates you can click here.
I use 5x7 sheets of cardstock to mount the bingo cards.  I hole punch them and put them on a ring so that we can keep them all together.  The picture you see is the cover of the set and then the rules card and finally the actual bingo cards.  Cole gets a new card every Sunday and he has a week to do the activities listed.  Every time he gets a bingo he gets a ticket which can be turned in for prizes.

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