
Cardboard Tube Space Shuttle

I mentioned yesterday that it was Space Day and in addition to our rocket, we also made a space shuttle. I don't have very good pictures of the shuttle because Cole was very cranky during the crafting process.  I should also mention that no sooner were we done with it and he puked all over our creation.  Needless to say, the shuttle got tossed in the garbage can in record time.

Space Shuttle Supply List: 1 paper towel roll, glue, construction paper, tissue paper, scissors
 Cut or tear your tissue paper into little pieces.  Cover your paper towel roll in glue and adhere the little pieces of tissue paper. While you're allowing the paper towel roll to dry cut out your shuttle wings and top triangle piece.  You're going to want to cut out 2 large triangles and 1 smaller one.  In addition, you'll need a piece shaped like an eye.
 Cut slits in the paper towel roll to slide your wings into.  Create a triangular cone (I used a stapler to keep it closed).
Glue your wings and rocket top on to the paper towel tube and allow to dry.

Book Suggestion: I Want to Be an Astronaut is a great book to introduce kids to the job demands of life in space.  If you're looking for a book to introduce the concept of an astronaut, or as a launching point for a discussion about what astronauts do, this is it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your great ideas! My boy is 4 years old and in childcare - he's starting to have 'homework'!! Two weeks ago, the homework was to 'Make a toy using recycled materials'. We had lots of fun & I really want to share these pictures with you. Thank you! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150190157867626.321493.556067625&l=72dde59be3

    cheers, Peiling (Singapore)
